Our Story

If you ask someone where their favourite place is, the answer is often “the lake”. Quiet mornings, sunny afternoons, cozy evenings...jumping off the dock, lying on the shore with a book, sitting in the boat, circling around a bonfire...being alone, being together...we hope that this coffee takes you there for a bit. 


Besides drinking coffee and being at the lake, we love fresh starts. Red Lake Coffee Company is a “give-profit” company, meaning that we are giving our profit to organizations that help struggling people have a fresh start. Right now we are proudly supporting Dignity House as they work with women exiting the sex-trade.


We are committed to purchasing traceable coffee beans when possible and roasting them locally, in small batches every week. That way independent coffee growers are supported and your coffee is always fresh. 



One of the biggest challenges that women wanting to leave the sex-trade encounter is not having a stable home environment. Consistency is key to building a new way of life. Dignity House is a second-stage home where the women will be cared for by Shona Stewart, BA, Director and Pastor, who herself was formerly prostituted/trafficked for 16 years, and is passionate about seeing their lives transformed. 


The vision is to see women transition from the sex-trade, to create safety and community, to address barriers for change, to build self-esteem, to aid women in identifying and applying skills, strategies and solutions to the physical, academic, systemic, emotional, spiritual, financial and legal barriers.


You can find out more about this important work at www.dignityhouse.ca